Islamabad Hospital
The Diabetes Centre (TDC) Islamabad is not-for-profit healthcare organization which is committed to the diabetes treatment. TDC is the first and largest hospital, dedicated to diabetes treatment in Pakistan. This centre is blend of state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, labs and pharmacy. It serves as the head office of the TDC’s all branches. It is situated near Phulgran Toll Plaza on Murree Expressway, Islamabad.
Sahiwal Hospital
The Diabetes Centre (TDC) Sahiwal is situated near the Motorway (M-3). The land where TDC Sahiwal is being constructed is donated by Sharjeel Chaudhry- a registered pathologist and son of Mustafa Chaudhry. This land is now in the possession of TDC. The Diabetes Centre Sahiwal will be the first state-of-the-art medical setup in Punjab, which is aimed at curing diabetes. With this project, TDC would protect people of the remote area surrounding Sahiwal against diabetes.
Lahore Hospital
The Diabetes Centre (TDC) Lahore is the continuation of the campaign centered on fighting the menace of diabetes that TDC took on from Islamabad. TDC Lahore started its journey in September 2018. It is also aimed at extend diabetic treatment in Punjab to impede the perils of diabetes. For TDC Lahore, we constructed a state-of-the-art building and furnished it with the most advanced equipment and labs.
G-8 Clinic
The Diabetes Centre (TDC) Clinic G-8 Markaz is the continuation of the diabetes treatment. It is designed to treat the residents of the surrounding areas. It is equipped with the latest facilities and medications. Dr. Asjad Hameed and Dr. Nuzhat Hameed frequently sit there to provide diagnosis and treatment services. If you want to avail these services, please, reach out there on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday (Timing 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm).
GT Road Clinic
The Diabetes Centre (TDC) GT Road, Rawalpindi is another setup built to cater diabetes treat for the residents of DHA and Bahria City. It also functions significantly to provide diagnosis, treatment and awareness services to the diabetic patients. Currently, consultation, OPD, labs and pharmacy are available there. Similar to other centers/clinics, discounted medicines are being provided there without any discrimination.